Republican National Committee’s Website ‘Hope Isn’t Hiring’ Demonizes Obama’s Progress In Gay & Lesbian Issues

For those who have not yet seen the Republican National Committee’s new website, Hope Isn’t Hiring, you should take a moment to visit and see for yourself how LGBT issues are treated.  On the page titled The Case Against Obama:  Social Issues there are 10 issues listed. The first two items listed are:

1. Despite It Being The Law Of The Land, Obama Refused To Continue To Defend The Defense Of Marriage Act In Court

2. Obama Repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell While U.S. Troops Are Still On The Battlefield

Ranking at #6 is:

6. Obama Opposed California’s Prop 8 And Has Expanded Government Recognition Of Same-Sex Couples

That’s 3 out of 10, folks. While math isn’t my strong suit, even I can see that 30% of the RNC’s criticism of President Obama results from his stance on gay and lesbian social issues.  Apparently, Republicans don’t agree that gay and lesbian issues are worth the President’s time.  It’s also readily apparent that it’s not a set of issues embraced by the Republicans (not that it’s a surprise to anyone, I’m just pointing it out again).

Joe Solmonese, President of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) wrote the following letter to RNC’s chairman:

April 5, 2011

Mr. Reince Priebus
Chairman, Republican National Committee
310 First Street SE
Washington, D.C. 20003

Dear Chairman Priebus:

As chairman of the Republican National Committee, you have the chance to do great things for your party and your country. Unfortunately, that same power can also be used to harm people. Your new website, “Hope Isn’t Hiring,” unfairly demonizes the hopes and ambitions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans, as well as straight allies who support us. The site makes us out to be the enemy when all that we want is an America that treats everyone respectfully and equally. The great irony is that many of the civil rights victories that you criticize were made possible by Republicans, and others are supported in large numbers by members of your own party.

From the way in which certain issues are detailed, reasonable people would conclude that the RNC believes in discrimination against LGBT people. You sensationalize issues like hospital visitation rights for loving families and ending housing discrimination when the truth is Americans agree that these are the right things to do. Your website effectively expatriates former Vice President Dick Cheney’s family, and ostracizes Republicans like First Lady Laura Bush and her daughter, Barbara, who support marriage equality. Furthermore, the historic passage of the law that would repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” – supported by 77 percent of Americans – was made possible by the votes of eight Republican U.S. Senators and 15 Republican members of the House.

Is this website what we can expect from the Republican Party under your leadership? Should we anticipate more mean-spirited campaigns against particular groups of Americans rather than focusing on pressing national priorities?

You lead a party that could be an example of making equality a cornerstone of your agenda, as the GOP has done in the past. As President Lincoln said over a century and a half ago, “We have, as all will agree, a free Government, where every man has a right to be equal with every other man. In this great struggle, this form of Government and every form of human right is endangered if our enemies succeed.” Don’t make yourself the enemy.

I look forward to your response.

Joe Solmonese

I’m looking forward to the response as well…





Disclaimer: The information, comments and links posted on the blog do not constitute legal advice. I will not respond to any specific legal questions in the comments section of this blog. Read my entire disclaimer.

copyright 2011 Irene C. Olszewski

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